
Total Number of articles: 1579
Dr. Brachi Elitzur Source:
Midrashei Chazal offer many instances of judgmental evaluations of biblical characters that are different – sometimes even quite contrary – to the...
Prof. Yoel Elitzur Source: ; ; ;
Where is Ai located?  Bethel is mentioned numerous times on its own throughout Tanakh, but Ai is only once mentioned alone, without connection to Bethel....
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
After the flood, Noach is given permission to eat meat. Does this represent a step forward or a step back in human spiritual evolution? How do the new...
Rabbi Shimon Klein Source: ;
God regrets having created man in the world; He is grieved, and He decides to wipe out all living things from upon the face of the earth. To the reader...
Dr. Brachi Elitzur Source:
A major part of Parashat Noach is devoted to a description of the construction of the ark, its size and structure, the materials used to build it, and the...
Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein Source:
In parashat Acharei-Mot (Vayikra 16), the Torah describes the special service performed by the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) – a service meant to atone for...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman Source:
the identity of the Song of Ha'azinu as a "witness" raises a series of interrelated questions. First and foremost we may duly wonder regarding the content...
Shiur #33
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
In this concluding article for chapters 1 and 2 of Eicha we explore the thematic, linguistic, and technical/structural similarities, which suggest a...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Source:
Where did Jewish singularity lie? The clue lies in the precise wording of Bilaam’s blessing: “Behold it is a people that dwells alone.” For it was as a...
Shiur #21
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom Source:
After criticizing six foreign nations and Judea, Amos declares his oracle about Israel. What form does the punishment take, and why? Moreover, what is the...
