Dr. Baruch Alster

Found 3 Search results

  1. Did Eliyahu Die?

    Dr. Baruch Alster | Hour and 11 minutes

    The concept of Eliyahu's ascent to heaven (as described in II Kings) was heavily debated among medieval commentaries. Some allowed for the idea that the ancient prophet lives on to this day, as can be understood from the biblical verses, while others prefer to minimize the miracle and claim that the verses describe the prophet's death. By analyzing the various medieval opinions we can learn how each commentator balances the truth of Tanakh with rationalist philosophy.

  2. Why are There Stories in the Torah?

    Dr. Baruch Alster

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |

    Rashi's first comment on the Torah famously asks why the Torah begins with creation and not with the mitzvot. In essence, he is dealing with the question of the Torah's genre - is it a history book or a legal text? This question is dealt with by other parshanim as well. In this lesson, we will compare three approaches - those of Rashi, Rashbam, and Ramban. We will see that each of the later parshanim saw the question as a dichotomy - the Torah is either law or narrative, while Rashi's view is more complex.

  3. Remembering Shabbat- Commentary and Halacha

    Dr. Baruch Alster | Hour and 4 minutes

    The mitzva of Shabbat is portrayed in both the ten commandments listed in sefer Shemot and in sefer Devarim- with a slight difference in wording. The medieval commentaries attempt to resolve this difference through a variety of explanations which shape their opinions of the very nature and essence of Shabbat. Through a discussion of these various opinions we learn about the proper method of interpreting not only the mitzva of Shabbat but also the rest of the Torah itself.