Perek 36 begins with words of consolation and redemption for the land and continues with a description of the redemption for the nation. The description of the redemption of the people includes a prophetic-historical survey of the nation of Israel which concentrates on the desecration of God's name in the exile and on the redemption which will follow it.

Perek 37 includes two prophecies which describe the stages of the redemption using bole imagery. These are some of the most prominent prophecies in the national consciousness. The first prophecy (1-14) is the vision of the resurrection of the dry bones which is revealed to Yechezkel in the valley. This wonderful vision is a metaphor for the revival of the nation and its redemption. The second prophecy (15-28) is a symbolic prophecy, in which Yechezkel is commanded to join together two sticks which symbolize the two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, as an expression of the reunification of the tribes of Israel in the land in the time of the redemption. 

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen