Yehezkel Loses his Wife

Found 2 Search results

  1. The Destruction of the City

    Dr. Tova Ganzel

    The prophecy concerning the imminent fate of the city resembles the destruction that Yehezkel had prophesied in the past, but he no longer reacts with cries of surprise or distress, as he had earlier; now he is apathetic. From now on, his pre-destruction prophetic mission is limited to describing the situation in the city.

    The description begins presenting a city that is full of bloodshed. Yehezkel’s accusation is against all of Jerusalem’s inhabitants – all classes and positions. Throughout the book Yehezkel avoids using the name Jerusalem altogether. Perhaps this is that the actions of the nation have not only led to the defiling of the name, but have also caused a rupture in God’s attitude towards the eternity of the city.

    Chapter 24 contains two accounts of loss: the loss of Yehezkel’s wife, and the loss of the Temple. The connection between Yehezkel’s private loss and the nation’s loss of the Temple indicates that the profaning of the Temple is irreversible: in other words, the Temples that will be built after the destruction of the First Temple represent a new creation, not a recreation of the Temple that existed.

    Yehezkel is commanded not to mourn for his wife as a sign to the people. Why, then, is Am Yisrael commanded not to mourn over the Temple?

    The withholding of mourning may represent a sort of Divine punishment – or, alternatively, an act of acceptance of God’s will. Perhaps mourning is only significant for the comfort that others give to the mourner and the commandment not to mourn signifies that there are none to comfort.

    This prophecy concludes Yehezkel’s prophecies of rebuke uttered before the destruction and ends his term of silence.

  2. Yehezkel 24-25

    Matan Al Haperek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    Perek 24 includes two prophecies. The first, the prophecy of the pot and the meat, is said by Yechezkel on the tenth of Tevet- the beginning of the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem. In this prophecy, the walls of the city become a death trap for the inhabitants (1-14). The second prophecy tells of the death of Yechezkel's wife, which is symbolic of the destruction of the Temple. The prohibition to mourn her teaches us of the nation's reaction to the destruction (15-27). The first section of the book of Yechezkel closes with perek 24, and the two prophecies which are included in it symbolize the impending fulfillment of the prophecies of the destruction of Jerusalem.

    Perek 25 opens a unit of prophecies about the nations, which concludes in perek 32. This unit divides between the prophecies of doom which were said before the destruction and the prophecies of redemption which come afterwards. In perek 25 Yechezkel prophesies about Ammon, Moav, Edom and the Philistines who rejoiced over the distress of Israel during the destruction.