Avraham Calls Out in the Name of God

נמצאו 18 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Biblical Roots of Midrashic 'Stories'

    Rabbi Moshe Shulman

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |

    We take a methodological look at “Midrashic stories” and how our Sages used these stories, often borrowed or reframed from completely different parts of Tanach, to interpret and highlight Biblical events of parallel or contrasting nature.

  2. Calling Out in Hashem's Name

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    The forefathers all "call out in the name of God." This lesson analyzes the meaning and significance of this action.

  3. Avraham - The Man of Spirituality and Worldliness

    Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein

  4. "They Who Wait Upon God Shall Renew Their Strength" (Yishayahu 40:27-41:16)

    Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv

    Avraham's character teaches all future generations what it means to love God, how God selects His nation, and encounters with the nations of the world - both in battle against them and also by bringing them into the worship of God. 

  5. Who Was Avraham?

    Rabbi Yair Kahn

    Although the documentation of events in the life of Avraham is relatively detailed, we are nonetheless confronted with a number of basic questions: Who actually was Avraham? Why was he chosen? What is the nature of the legacy that he passed on to the entire Jewish nation? How should this affect our lives? Avraham's search for God was not only a philosophical one, but a moral one as well. His quest for truth did not take place solely in the ivory towers of intellectual scholarship, and his discovery was not limited to the abstract world of philosophic speculation. He found faith in the real-life world, full of promise and disappointment, of suffering and joy. Therefore, he discovered not only Hashem, but justice and morality as well.

  6. Avraham: Repaying Debts and Inspiring Monotheism

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  7. Why is Avraham Commanded to Continue What he had Started?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  8. Walk Before Me and Be Blameless: Avraham's Ethical Outreach

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  9. Piety: Islands of Isolation vs. Open Involvement

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  10. Those Who Curse Avraham

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  11. Universalism vs. Particularism: Avraham Falls on His Face

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  12. Walk Before Me and Be Tamim

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  13. The Sodom Consultation and God's Love for Avraham

  14. Avraham's Eshel and the Central Beam of the Temple

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  15. "In the Merit of Avraham" - Critique of Yitzhak?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  16. What Mitzvot Did the Avot Keep?

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    There are those who claim that the Avot kept the entire Torah - even the Oral Law and later Rabbinic prohibitions! Yet many students, when hearing this opinion, find it difficult to accept. In the following shiur, we discuss the pasuk that forms the source for this opinion; the debate among the commentators in regard to its interpretation; and an important lesson we can learn from this entire controversy.

  17. Why King David Could Not Build the Temple, and When We Should

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    תאריך פרסום: 5777 | | שעה ו- 8 דקות

    When King David expresses his wish to build the Mikdash, the prophet Natan is enthusiastic. But he returns immediately with a prophetic message that David is not to build it - that David may wish to build a house for God, but God will have to build David a "house" first. Why is this? And who really selects the "place that God chooses?"

    Throughout our study, we will explore different parts of Tanakh that deal with the meaning and purpose of the Temple (mishkan and mikdash, respectively). Who is the Mikdash really for? We consider what it means to build a house for "God's name" and examine the implications of "calling out in God's name." The viability of the Mikdash is intrinsically linked to our ability to "call out in God's name" properly.  


  18. Abraham My Beloved: From ‘the Land I Will Show You’ to Mt. Moriah

    Rabbanit Esti Rosenberg

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | | שעה ו- 8 דקות

    In this shiur we will follow Abraham through his life's journey – a journey that begins with questions of livelihood, children's education, marital relationships, and barrenness, in a constant effort to spread the name of God in the world – that ends in the sublime moment of the Akeidah.