Rivka's Infertility

נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Famine in the Days of the Patriarchs

    Rabbi Meir Lichtenstein

    תאריך פרסום: תשעב | |

    The three Patriarchs were faced with famine followed with the dilemma of staying in Eretz Yisrael as opposed to possible descent to Egypt. The lesson will explore the reason for the famines and the meaning of the different responses of each patriarch to this dilemma.

  2. The Differences Between Avraham and Yitzchak

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Yitzchak’s character is often viewed as parallel to Avraham, as depicted in Midrash Hagadol: “All things that happened to Avraham – happened to Yitzchak.” The midrash indicates that there is no innovation by Yitzchak, whose strength is primarily in maintaining and stabilizing the path that his father had forged. Is this indeed a correct reading of the text? Perhaps the many points of comparison highlight the differences between these two characters, and emphasize Yitzchak’s unique personality.

  3. Yitzchak and Rivka's Barrenness - A New Perspective

    Atara Snowbell | שעה ו- 9 דקות

    What can we learn from Rivka's barrenness? By comparing Rivka's barrenness to that of the other Matriarchs we can better understand her story and appreciate the strong relationship between Rivka and Yitzchak, and learn about the power of prayer to change reality. 

  4. Praying Opposite Rivka

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  5. Parshat Toldot Part 1: Yaakov and Esav

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 30 דקות

    The beginning of Parshat Toldot presents a conclusion to the Avraham stories, as well as an introduction to Yaakov and Esav’s lives;  the meaning of birth order, prophecy, and birthright. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com