Shilo and Jerusalem

נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Chapter 18 Part 1: The Tabernacle at Shilo

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    With the completion of the border descriptions of Yehuda and Yosef, the text now turns its attention to the territories of the remaining tribes. That discussion is introduced by a significant reference concerning the national sanctuary, the Mishkan. The Mishkan is relocated from Giglal to Shilo. This lesson will discuss the location of Shilo and the establishment of the mishkan there.

  2. The Decline towards Hurban

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    The last four kings of Yehuda struggle under the crippling hegemony first of Egypt and then of Babylon, suffering military defeat, vassalage, humiliation, deportation, siege and torture. The sun is setting on the First Temple period and it will swiftly end in the conquest of Jerusalem and the exile of its people.

    Soon after Yehoahaz becomes king, Pharaoh Nekho makes his brother Yehoyakim the king placing on him a heavy tax. Yehoyakim and the higher strata of society lead a lavish lifestyle oppressing the regular people to pay the tax and for their lifestyles - something that the prophet Yirmiyahu fights against. Despite the growing power of Babylon and despite Yirmiyahu's prophecies, the people remain indifferent and believe the Beit HaMikdash to be invicible. Yehoyakim is removed by the Babylonian king and the child king Yehoyakhin rules for a mere three months. He, the skilled laborers and the vessels of the Beit HaMikdash are taken to Babylon beginning the exile of Yehuda and creating two centers - in Jerusalem with Tzidkiyahu and in Babylon with Yehoyakhin.

  3. "The Temple of the Lord, Are These"

    Rabbi David Sabato

    Yirmiyahu addresses the "lying words" regarding the Temple's intrinsic holiness and inability to be destroyed. The people's misconception regarding the role of the Temple led them to think that they could continue to sin without repercussions. Further discussed is the connection between this chapter and the prophecy in chapter 3 regarding the Ark and the destruction of Shilo, as well as the contrast with the prophecies of Yishayahu regarding Jerusalem.

  4. The Fall of Shiloh: The Mystery of the Tanach's Silent Tisha B'av

    Rabbi Moshe Shulman | שעה ו- 6 דקות

    Yirmiyahu the prophet uses the destruction of the mishkan in Shiloh as the paradigm on which to model the imminent destruction of the Temple.  What is the relationship between the destruction of Shiloh and the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash? What was the sin of Shiloh? When and why was Shiloh destroyed? This lecture addresses these questions, as well as the discussion of why this cataclysmic event in Jewish history is barely mentioned in Tanach.